Here’s a clip from Ben’s (Ironclad) recent presentation at The Experience Conference & Exhibition where talks about why someone should choose business restoration business vs your competitors. For example, what benefits do you offer your target customer that will resonate with them?

You wanna craft your message, right? How are you going to set yourself apart? How are you going to address those fears that resonate with each one of these people? And it’s pretty simple. You can address all of those fears very easily. Do you have five star rating on Google? Are you IICRC Certified? Do you have 24  7 emergency service?

Those are really easy things to put on your website that’s gonna address those pain points. Right off the bat without them having to think twice about it. Okay? Do if you’re a cleaning company, do you have straightforward pricing or are you gonna pull the rug out from under them? I like the old ads that do $4 cleaning for a whole room and they end up getting an $800 bill at the end of the day.

People are afraid of that cuz it happens. Satisfaction, guaranteed. Your license and insured, you have all that information on your website.

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