Here’s a clip from our recent podcast with Rod Cruce from Trifecta Growth Institute where he talks about a common problem restoration owners have which is they know what needs to be done and can do it themselves.

BUT if they want to take their business to the next level they must be able to delegate while hitting those KPI’s.

About Trifecta Growth Institute:
Rod Cruce has owned multiple different businesses and has spent many years running and building a top performing Restoration company where they properly learned how to utilize TPA by understanding the fundamentals and developing an Algorithm of success.

“Well, absolutely and you know, we work with companies that are on TPA who are not doing very well on them. And that’s where we see a lot of that. And if you’re a company who’s not doing well on your TPA, but you think you still need it and you’re trying to grow that or you’re trying to make it where it’s beneficial to you, reach out to us because we do work on these things.

Because it’s one thing for you to read the three variables that we put into the algorithm on this document, but it’s another thing to underwrite them. And you know, I see a lot of business owners who, they get it. They’ve got this vision in their head and they know what needs to be done and they can do it themselves, but they have a really, really hard time of getting that message out to others and enabling other people to do that and they automatically expect it.

And I think that’s one of the biggest deficits within a company is when your owner or your leader feels like it’s getting done, but it’s not because they don’t have the KPIs. They don’t know how they don’t have any metrics in there to measure people’s people’s success. And if they’re meeting the remark, meeting the marks, and that is crippling to a company.

And the, one of the first places it’s going to show in your business is on TPA work because they hold you to a higher standard. And, you know, if you look at almost all the top performers and all the ones on TPAs that are doing really well, they all have a very, very good definitive process and project management framework behind them and that allow, and they use it for all business. It’s not just for TPA work.

So, and they hold their self to a higher standard. Yeah. You know, if you’re, if you’re a contract author who just wants to. Get by, you don’t want to be accountable, but yet you want to hold your people accountable. Right? So it kind of goes hand in hand. You got to be able to have that type of culture and you got to have that mentality and you got to hire that qualified expert who’s going to do it for you.

But if it’s just, you understand this, that’s one of your biggest problems as probably a company is that you’re not getting it to the other people who’s going to be the doers out there and take it to the next level for you.”

In case you missed the full podcast episode, watch it here:

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