Here’s a clip from one of our recent podcasts with Jon Isaacson ( & Ares Restoration) where we talk about the importance of company culture, goal setting framework and bringing in the right people for your restoration business.

Ben: Well, I think that one of the things that you just talked about again, when we’re talking about, I guess my mind was went right to this. As soon as I asked the question, you ask questions, sometimes you kind of like the light bulb comes on. I think the other thing that I think this book is super helpful for is something you talked about before is that the culture and the companies, whatever you, “culture”.

If you’re trying to establish that culture, that’s the way we think that we’re going to reach these next generations of workforce, skilled, unskilled. Having something like this to create these goal setting frameworks should resonate with the company and would probably be a good framework to implement in your company if you are trying to create that culture of expanding your role within the company.

“Hey, here’s, here’s a pathway to own your own restoration company at some point, because some people may want to do that and, you know?” Or some people just, “Hey, I just want to get to a manager position, take care of my family, you know.”

Whatever it is. So, I think your book would probably help out anybody that has a business, whatever it is. Because what I really liked again, I’m going to go off on another tangent about the three B’s is they’re so applicable to everything that we have to do or learn.

If you’re willing to learn and you’re willing to work hard, the three B’s are:

  1. Be willing to learn,
  2. Be willing to work hard; and
  3. Be honest.

I mean, those tenets right there are going to make you successful at whatever you want to do, if you’re willing to open up to it. So create a culture, bring in the right people. It’ll help you identify right people too if you’re hiring manager or something like that as well because if they don’t have those tenets I mean that might be step one. At least have this because if you are really anybody can learn.

Jon: Yep. Yeah, and so that’s the getting ready part I mean you have to bring those things to the forefront and we talk about, you know, if you’re in high school or in your first job and you don’t like it but you’re developing bad habits.

They’re that much harder to break. So then getting started is then the three do’s.

  1. Do it right,
  2. Do it efficiently, and
  3. Do it excellently.

And then so we talk a lot about how to apply those things to getting ready getting started You know being a value to a company. But also I think like you’re saying to the the parent, the manager, the business owner. It’s you could you know, take that chapter each. They’re very short chapters and do a training on that.

Say, “Hey guys, like you know, this is what it means to be on. This is what it means to be willing to learn. And this is what it means to try to set yourself up to do things efficiently and do them excellently.” You know, I do. Yeah, I agree with your assessment, Ben. I think it will be helpful. I hope.

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The DYOJO @thedyojo stands for The Do Your Own Job Dojo. We create content designed to help contractors shorten their DANG learning curve. Our modus operandi is to inform you whilst we also entertain you. In The DYOJO we call this INFOtainment.

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