Emergencies do not inform you about coming beforehand which is the same as your customers therefore it is best to always ready. What is the most common communication tool people carry nowadays even during an emergency? It is their mobile phone. If the mobile version of your website does not have this feature then you are leaving money on the table.
Want to take your restoration business to the next level? Just click on the link below to schedule a FREE strategy session today. https://ironcladrestorationmarketing.com/get-started/
Benjamin Ricciardi is the founder of Ironclad Restoration Marketing, A digital marketing agency that specializes in the Restoration and Cleaning industry based in South Florida. Benjamin is the author of The No Bulls**t Guide to Internet Marketing for Restoration Contractors and hosts The Restoration Rundown Podcast, a podcast that is focused on everything related to marketing and owning a Restoration and Cleaning Business. Connect with Benjamin and Ironclad Restoration Marketing on social media for the latest tips and tricks on how to grow your Restoration Business.