Don’t spend your marketing dollars on a company that is quick to provide you with false promises.

Any marketing company that promises you these things is writing checks their company can’t cash. It’s true that SEO is necessary to boost your business, but important for you as a business owner to know that there ARE NO GUARANTEES.

Also, SEO, can’t overstate this. There are zero guarantees that you’re going to succeed. Anybody that promises that they know, I’ve met so many people in bars that know a guy that works at Google. It blows my mind. Like, and there’s a good chance, maybe some of them do, but at the end of the day, you do a quick Google search.

Can someone guarantee SEO results? This is from Google. Google’s  help content.  No, in fact, if anybody says that they have a preferential relationship with Google, run the other way. If anybody guarantees SEO results, they’re lying to you. They’re full of shit. There’s no way! There’s, there’s over 400 ranking factors, so there’s so many things that are out of your control. That is just something that, so if anybody’s guaranteeing anything that or keywords ranking, it’s, it’s BS

If you have any questions or would like any insight on how to take your SEO and digital marketing to the next level, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and my team at Ironclad Digital Marketing.

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