Technology is moving at lighting speed and with it comes along tons of new apps, AI, AR, software, social media, etc.. The downside of this is that it is easy to get caught up in SOS (Shiny Object Syndrome). When I first got started in digital marketing 19 years ago I chased all the new SOS but made $0. It wasn’t until I found a mentor that had me focus and master one channel at a time until I was making a good return from that channel that I moved on to the next channel.

You own a restoration business and you find yourself in a continuous state of distraction that’s brought on by an ongoing belief, that there’s something new and better worth pursuing, that’s at the expense of something that’s already planned and underway, dumping resources, time and energy into every new thing that comes about, that you think may be better than what you’re doing right now when you’re marketing your business, then you may be suffering from Shiny New Object Syndrome.

That’s right! Shiny New Object Syndrome sends your teams on wild goose chases, sowing doubts within your company and diverts precious, technical and financial resources into things that never really pan out to get you leads.

If you find yourself, like many other restoration contractors in the United States suffering from Shiny New Object Syndrome, then stop what you’re doing right now and call the teams at Ironclad Restoration Marketing. Our proven techniques and strategies will help cure you of your Shiny New Object Syndrome by bringing in the lead that you desperately need to grow your business.

If you want a FREE video analysis of your website and Google Business profile to see where you may be missing opportunities to generate more leads then just click on the link below to schedule a FREE strategy session today.

Call Us: 855-976-3759 ☎️

Download “The Ultimate Restoration Business Internet Marketing Checklist” for FREE

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