Want to know how your keywords rank against your competition? You don’t need to Google your own to see where you are in the results. That is not the most accurate way to check your status. Just send us your website URL and email address for us to help you out. Want to take your […]
Month: June 2021
The NO B.S. Guide To Internet Marketing For Restoration Contractors (Available on Amazon)
If are struggling with digital marketing, whether it’s SEO, Google Ads, social media, etc. to get more leads for your restoration business then you owe it to yourself to pick up our new book “The NO B.S. Guide To Internet Marketing For Restoration Contractors” on Amazon for only $19.95. Just click on the link below […]
Ironclad Restoration Gets Water Damage Leads For Water Damage Restoration Companies
Ironclad Restoration Marketing offers effective digital advertising services for restoration companies in West Palm Beach, FL Generating water restoration marketing leads can be a little challenging. In the last few years, more and more water damage restoration companies are turning to digital marketing for lead generation. Interestingly, digital marketing can be used to complement your […]
Remove this stuff from your website if you want to get better results
It’s hard enough to get a visitor to your website. In this video we talk about stuff on your website that can get in the way of getting better results. Do you have any of them? Want to take your restoration business to the next level? Just click on the link below to schedule a […]
WordPress vs Wix… Which is Best for SEO?
If you are ready to launch a new website or want to revise your current one but not sure if you should go with WordPress or Wix then have no fear. In this video we walk you through the pros and cons of each so you can decide for yourself. Want to take your restoration […]
Confused on how to make an effective social media video?
In this video we walk you through the 4 simple but effective steps to creating an effective social media promotion video for your Restoration Business. No need to beat around the bush, go hit the spot in a catchy way that your viewers cannot resist but watch it until the end. Make videos that are […]
How To Turn Your Website Into The Ultimate Sales Machine (Webinar)
Are you pissed off that you are not getting enough water, mold or fire restoration leads? Great things can happen anytime but you need to do something about it so watch our webinar now! In this webinar, we show you how to get a consistent flow of leads from the internet. Just click on the […]
What Is PPC And Why Restoration Companies Need It
Let’s face it: People who own homes and businesses do not generally have the name and number of a restoration PPC company in their phone contacts just in case they need it. But if a flood, fire, or other tragedy strikes, people need a way to contact your restoration company quickly. Advertising for restoration companies […]
How To Maximize Your Social Media Reach
Are you barely getting any likes, comments or shares on your social media accounts, especially Instagram? In this video we give you a very simple tip that you may already be aware of but forget to do. Always keep it in mind that social media engagement and visibility matter; and that high quality hashtag specified […]
Social Media posting tips for your restoration company
Do you find yourself wondering what to post on your social media accounts? In this video we give you some content ideas including FAQ’s, testimonials and much more. Your posts matter. It is a reflection of what your business is all about and how well you do your job. It is also another way of […]